The Concept  

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dearest old NMHers

I haven't spoken to, much less seen, most of you in ages. Since many of you are in far away places, there's not much chance of a physical reunion, and quite frankly, Facebook doesn't cut it for me.

Here's the plan:

I am going to make a book, a journal, and mail it to one of you. You will have a few pages to fill with pictures, drawings, writing, letters, or anything else you might dream up. They can be anything. Old pictures from school, stories about what you're up to now, poems you've written, anything you want to share. Then you take pictures or scan the pages and send them to me before mailing the book on to the next person on the list. I will keep a blog and post each person's pages as they come in.

The first couple pages will be devoted to the contact info of the people participating, (if you don't want it shared, that's fine) so that if you want you can send each other letters and postcards and things as well!

If you want to participate e-mail me your address! If it's a time sensitive location let me know.

If you think I'm a total dork, e-mail me anyway, because if you got this e-mail it means I miss you!

Also, if anyone has Tosha, CT, or Kevin Geiger's e-mail address could you pass that on to me?

This isn't my original idea, it's been done before, and I want to thank the admins over at for setting such a good example:)

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Some Guidelines  

-Please only keep the book for a week.

-Please don't alter other people's work. I'll include a small notebook for you to write additional comments in.

-E-mail me when you receive the book, and I'll tell you who's next in line. E-mail me again with photos when you mail the book out, and I'll e-mail the next person in line telling them the book is on the way.

-Please be advised that you may end up paying international shipping. If this isn't okay, let me know and I'll see what I can wrangle.

-Please include Delivery Confirmation, or the international equivalent when you ship. We don't want to lose the book!

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